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Benefits of Joining SIP

WHY Join Soroptimist?

Member Testimonials:

I want to thank the women of Soroptimist International of Phoenix for embracing me as a member 20 years ago.  Over the years, I was blessed to meet and become friends with a number of incredibly smart, talented and caring women.  In addition to their friendship they provided me with the secrets of leadership including the importance of integrity, honesty and compassion.  They led by example.  They were always encouraging, supportive and helpful.  I always felt very proud, yet humbled to be included in their company.  They have seen me work my way up the corporate ladder and now as an Executive Director, I hope they can be proud of the leader that I have become.  I want them to know that I take my position very seriously and will do my best to serve with the integrity, honor and compassion as the women I have been blessed to know.  Thank you for believing in me.  Sincerely,


Dawn Bogart

Executive Director

Homeless Youth Connection

I would like to express how important membership in the Club has been to me.  I did not realize when I joined that I was immediately picking up 50 new best friends.  I have been reinforced, guided, and supported in my leadership quests within the Club, and in the community, by the wonderful women of  SI Phoenix.  Their smiles and their words of encouragement have meant so much to me.  Thank you for creating this atmosphere where we are able to try new skills, land gently from mistakes, and grow in our ability to lead effectively.


Keep up the good work!

Paula Adkins
CEO Emeritus, Tumbleweed Center for Youth Development


WHO Belongs to Soroptimist?

Professional and executive business women of all ages and ethnic groups, from all walks of life and cultures.

Soroptimist International is a global network of volunteers working for the best for women.  We are committed to a world where women and girls achieve their individual and collective potential, realize aspirations and have an equal voice in their communities worldwide.


Soroptimist International of Phoenix membership encompasses women who are passionate about our mission, each other, and the community.  We enjoy working together to achieve our strategic goal of empowering women and girls by providing access to, and support of their educational objectives. Membership provides an enriching environment for women to develop friendships and to support each other while experiencing the satisfaction of their collective efforts to improve our community.

WHAT is Soroptimist International of the Americas?

Soroptimist International of the Americas (SIA) is one of five federations within of Soroptimist International (SI) - the world's largest service organization for executive and professional women.


Soroptimist, coined from the Latin "soror" and "optima" (best for women), was founded in 1921 in Oakland, California.  Eighty women in professions that included medicine, laboratory technology, education and printing formed the first Soroptimist club to "foster the ideal of service".


Soroptimist International comprises five federations, with over 82,000 members in 129 countries and territories throughout the world, with a seat at the United Nations.


With almost 50,000 members in 21 countries and territories, Soroptimist International of the Americas is the largest of the five federations.  The other four federations include Soroptimist International of Great Britain & Ireland,  Soroptimist International of Europe, Soroptimist International of the South West Pacific and Soroptimist International African Federation

WHERE does Soroptimist International of Phoenix meet?

All meetings are held electronically using ZOOM

We meet first three Thursdays of each month (except July and August) at noon. Meetings entail:

  • Board meeting - specific to board members
  • Business meeting - where all members are invited to participate in updates from board members and committee chairs
  • Program meeting - these meetings vary widely and can focus on anything from community updates around water in Arizona, or a specific health topic for women or a trip to the Botanical Gardens. Members help decide what they would like to hear about!




HOW does Soroptimist accomplish its community service goals?

Using a three pronged approach (awareness, advocacy and action), Soroptimists identify the special needs of the community - be it big, industrial city or small rural town. Each Soroptimist club then establishes projects that best address these specific needs.


Our primary service programs are:

  • Live Your Dream Award - cash awards to support women who are head of households in their continuing education
  • WISETM (Women Investing in Successful Education) assisting women in attaining education goals through scholarships and mentoring 
  • Dream it, Be it workshops for girls between 14-18 years old - workshops to build skills for future career development
  • Varying service projects in the community

Fund raising is an integral activity to the club's success of helping women and girls. The club hold various fund raising and hands-on projects throughout the year, for which all club members are expected to participate.

HOW to Apply for Membership

Requirements for membership of Soroptimist International of Phoenix are:

Attend 3 Meetings:

A Potential Member must attend at least 3 club meetings with one of the meetings being a business meeting before deciding to join. 

The first meeting is at no cost, the second and third meetings will be the responsibility of the Potential Member at the cost of $20 per luncheon meeting.

Meet with Membership Chair and/or Club President:

The Potential member will either meet in person or by phone with either the Membership Chair or Club President to discuss the expectations of membership including the financial obligations.

Membership Approval:

Before completing the membership application, the Membership Chair and/or the Club President will set a time to meet in person or by phone with the Potential Member to discuss the personal and financial expectations of membership, expectations for time and commitments and to answer any questions.  If the Membership Chair and Club President believe the Potential Member to be a good fit to the club the Membership Chair will make a request from the Club Board to approve the Potential Member for membership. After the Potential Member has board approval, the membership application needs to be completed. When the application is received the club treasurer will work with the potential new member to set up an account to pay membership fees. After the application has been accepted and all fees have been paid the potential member will be officially installed as a member of Soroptimist International of Phoenix at the next scheduled club business meeting.

COST of Membership


$35 Monthly dues for 10 months (September through June)

$138.18 Annual National and Regional Dues  

$25 One-time new member fee  


(all fees and dues are subject to change, last updated Oct 2023)


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Soroptimist is an international volunteer organization for business and professional women who work to improve the lives of women and girls.
Copyright © 2021-2023 Soroptimist International of Phoenix. All rights reserved. Soroptimist International of Phoenix is a 501 (c)(3) non-profit organization.  EIN 86-6052233