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Donate today and reduce your
Arizona tax liability dollar for dollar! 

We are  QCO #22517
(qualifying charitable organization)

Arizona has an incredible resource for taxpayers to make an impact in their local communities
In 2024, we received approval to be part of it! The Arizona Charitable Tax Credit allows taxpayers to make a charitable contribution to an eligible nonprofit and receive a dollar-for-dollar tax credit against their AZ state tax liability, up to $470 for a single taxpayer and $938 for a married taxpayer. 

Example:  You owe $1000 to Arizona for taxes, and you donate $470 to us, you then reduce your taxes to $530.  You pay the same $1000 either way, but get to help out a charity! Even if you are getting a refund, you can still apply a credit to your tax liability, which could result in a larger refund!  Check with your tax consultant for details.

You can take advantage of this credit to help those most in need in our community, and reduce your taxes!  We will use donations to improve the lives of women and girls!

Please donate today!

Want to learn more about this Arizona Tax Credit?   Learn more:  Arizona Tax Credits

Join our sweepstakes today
You don't need to make a donation, but we would like it if you did!  You have until 6/20/2025 to participate.

Click on the picture to enter or use the QR code!


Our programs support dreams of women and girls - click on images to learn more!



Who We Are

Soroptimist International (SI) is a worldwide service organization with 82,000 members in 129 countries, with a seat at the United Nations. We are committed to a world where women and girls achieve their individual and collective potential, realize aspirations and have an equal voice in their communities worldwide.   

Soroptimist International of Phoenix, Inc., an SI club chartered in 1936,  has membership representation encompassing a wide range of current or past professions including executives of private companies; local, state and federal court judges; heads of civic and social service organizations; attorneys; accountants; business owners; teachers; and high level local government employees.

Why Join Us

Women and girls need us.  Positively impact the lives of women and girls in need, both locally and globally.
It feels good.  Serve your community - locally or globally.
Fellowship. Form friendships and network with like-minded women in your community and across the world.
Learn more...  about topics, important to us as community-minded women, from subject matter experts.
Make a difference.  Research shows that helping others provides us satisfaction and happiness and strengthens our communities.

What We Do
Community Service Programs

WISE (Women Investing in Successful Education) – Our signature program provides cash awards to women, who face obstacles to success, and to achieve their educational goals of post-secondary education and training.
Live Your Dream Award  (LYDA) – Cash awards supporting women head of households with continuing education.
Dream It Be It Workshop  - Seminarsfor high school girls in underserved communities who face barriers to building a successful future.  Girls interact with successful woman role models to build skills essential to future career development.

Fundraising and Community Service Projects

Fundraising is an integral activity to the club’s success.  The club hosts various fundraising and hands-on projects throughout the year in which all club members are encouraged to participate

Our Successes

Provided educational cash awards to 400+ women/girls
Helped over 200 women and girls be better prepared for the future through workshops, coaching and resources.
Helped 80+ girls in Fronteras, Mexico, obtain high school education
Learnedabout issues of global importance for women and girls.
Founded Tumbleweed Center for Youth Development and Founded Arizona Girl’s Ranch

Upcoming Events
Upcoming Events

Help Us Support Women and Girls



* Fry's grocery store - link your card to us - #NU927
* Target - link your Red card to us 
* Walmart - when shopping online

Catch us in Action
(click on any of these):


Soroptimist is an international volunteer organization for business and professional women who work to improve the lives of women and girls.
Copyright © 2021-2023 Soroptimist International of Phoenix. All rights reserved. Soroptimist International of Phoenix is a 501 (c)(3) non-profit organization.  EIN 86-6052233